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Questions & Answers session

M. Johannes Moisio

Chairman, AEBR Task Force of External Borders Johannes Moisio has chaired AEBR Task Force of External Borders from its foundation in 2007. In his home region he has worked as Head of Operational Unit in Joint Managing Authority of South-East Finland-Russia ENPI Program and in Secretariat of Southeast Finland Interreg IIIA Program. Johannes Moisio graduated from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1991 from the Department of Industrial Engineering. He started his career in the private sector as Quality manager and Quality system consultant and later on as Manager of Export Sales for 7 years. From 1996 on Mr. Moisio was one of the first in planning and implementing Tacis and Phare Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Small Project Facility projects between EU and Russia & the Baltic countries. In 2000 Johannes Moisio was chosen to manage international projects and relations of South Karelia region. During years 2004 and 2005 he set up and managed Southeast Finland and St. Petersburg region Brussels office. He was one of the initiators and founders of NEEBOR network in Brussels.

Durée :

The 6th AC21 Student World Forum at the University of Strasbourg

Du au

CDE, Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg - Direction des relations internationales

Thème(s) : Enseignement supérieur


Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences

Local and regional cooperation for democracy: a major asset for the European Institutions

EU Funding and regional cooperation in Human Rights and Environmental projects

M. Johannes Moisio

Chairman, AEBR Task Force of External Borders Johannes Moisio has chaired AEBR Task Force of External Borders from its foundation in 2007. In his home region he has worked as Head of Operational Unit in Joint Managing Authority of South-East Finland-Russia ENPI Program and in Secretariat of Southeast Finland Interreg IIIA Program. Johannes Moisio graduated from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1991 from the Department of Industrial Engineering. He started his career in the private sector as Quality manager and Quality system consultant and later on as Manager of Export Sales for 7 years. From 1996 on Mr. Moisio was one of the first in planning and implementing Tacis and Phare Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Small Project Facility projects between EU and Russia & the Baltic countries. In 2000 Johannes Moisio was chosen to manage international projects and relations of South Karelia region. During years 2004 and 2005 he set up and managed Southeast Finland and St. Petersburg region Brussels office. He was one of the initiators and founders of NEEBOR network in Brussels.

Questions & Answers session

M. Johannes Moisio

Chairman, AEBR Task Force of External Borders Johannes Moisio has chaired AEBR Task Force of External Borders from its foundation in 2007. In his home region he has worked as Head of Operational Unit in Joint Managing Authority of South-East Finland-Russia ENPI Program and in Secretariat of Southeast Finland Interreg IIIA Program. Johannes Moisio graduated from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1991 from the Department of Industrial Engineering. He started his career in the private sector as Quality manager and Quality system consultant and later on as Manager of Export Sales for 7 years. From 1996 on Mr. Moisio was one of the first in planning and implementing Tacis and Phare Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Small Project Facility projects between EU and Russia & the Baltic countries. In 2000 Johannes Moisio was chosen to manage international projects and relations of South Karelia region. During years 2004 and 2005 he set up and managed Southeast Finland and St. Petersburg region Brussels office. He was one of the initiators and founders of NEEBOR network in Brussels.