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Presentation of the POEM (Personalised Open Education for the Masses) platform

M. Pierre Collet

CNSC - ICube - Dept. of Computer Science Université de Strasbourg

Durée :

First e-Workshop on the Computational and Educational Ecosystems of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin


Salle des Thèses, Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg - DUN - Direction des Usages du Numérique

On April 30th 2013, Le Havre University and Strasbourg University submitted a UniTwin programme on a Complex Systems Digital Campus to the French Commission of UNESCO (cf. English brochure) along with 76 Universities in 22 countries and over 4 continents.

This proposal was validated by UNESCO, so this is the first e-Workshop of a long series within this new UniTwin. The objectives are to elaborate our strategies in order to set up:
an international Computational Ecosystems as a Complex Systems (CECS) e-laboratory (to be submitted at ECCS'2013 in Barcelona) and an Educational Ecosystem for Massive Personalized Education for this UNESCO CS-DC UniTwin.


Thème(s) : Sciences

Transversal, Sciences fondamentales

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences



M. Paul-Antoine Hervieux

delegate vice-president of Research of the Strasbourg University

The CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin and its Computational and Educational Ecosystems

M. Paul Bourgine

President of the International CS-DC

France Grilles

M. Ziad El Bitar

ImaBio team, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg

Towards Autonomic E-Science Ecosystems

Pr. Cécile Germain-Renaud

LRI, Université Paris-Sud

The Open-Mole Platform

M. Romain Reuillon

Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Paris Île-de-France

Questions and research methodology on MOOCs: anything new ?

Pr. Alain Mille

Project representative for CNRS on, SILEX team, LIRIS, Université de Lyon

A roadmap for the future e-Learning research and school practice in Taiwan

Pr. Chun-Yen Chang

Director of Science Education Center Center for Research Excellence in Science Education, National Association for Science Education in Taiwan National Taiwan Normal University

Assessing large student populations through machine and social intelligent peer assessment

M. Cristian Jimenez Romero

Complexity Science and Design group - Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology The Open University

Presentation of the POEM (Personalised Open Education for the Masses) platform

M. Pierre Collet

CNSC - ICube - Dept. of Computer Science Université de Strasbourg