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Imaging for radiotherapy : the role of Medical Physics for planning and image verification

M. Alberto Torresin


Moderators : Alberto Torresin (EFOMP Science Committee, Milano, Italy) , Jean-Yves Giraud (CHU Grenoble, France), Véronique Dedieu (CLCC Clermont Ferrand, France)

Durée :

51e Journées Scientifiques de Physique Médicale

Du au

PMC, Strasbourg

SFPM - Société Française de Physique Médicale


Thème(s) : Médecine - santé Physique

Sciences de la santé et du sport, Sciences fondamentales

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences

Educational session

MRI for radiation treatment planning.

Pr. Andrew Beavis

Castle Hill Hospital

Proferred papers : Imaging in Therapy

EFOMP SESSION : Medical Physics in Europe

EFOMP and Medical Physics in Europe

M. Peter Sharp

EFOMP President, Aberdeen, UK

Education and training requirements within the Medical Physics Expert project

Mme Carmel Caruana

EFOMP Education and Training, Malta

Efomp medal : Invited talk

New technology for image-guided radiation therapy and for IMRT delivery, including compensating for organ motion.

Pr. Steve Webb

The Institute of Cancer Research : Royal Cancer Hospital, London, UK

ION/PROTON SESSION : State of the art and upcoming challenges in particle therapy

Protons and ions within the 10 next years

M. Jean-Louis Habrand

CLCC Caen, France

Spot scanning proton therapy in the PSI hospital

Mme Francesca Albertini

Villingen-PSI, Switzerland

Ion Therapy in the HIT hospital

Pr. Oliver Jäckel

HIT Heidelberg, Germany

In-vivo dosimetry and on-line imaging in hadrontherapy

Mme Katia Parodi

HIT Heidelberg, Germany

New research in proton/ion therapy

M. Victor Malka

LOA Paris, France